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Sunday, 5 February 2012

Benefits of Australia Immigration

Research by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIC) has discovered the large number of skilled immigrants moving to Australia with higher education levels has raised employment levels for Australians who are not as relatively skilled.
In May 2008, the then Australian Immigration minister, Chris Evans, said he wanted ‘a majoroverhaul of the migrant program to boost numbers, promote unskilled as well as skilled Australian visa applicants’, making Australia immigration the most liberal and well maintained systems in the world, and copied by western countries.
Overall, the Australian economy has managed to avoid the recession. In the first three months of 2009, the economy actually grew by 0.4% through increased exports and consumer spending, prompting the Prime Minister to declare the country ‘the only advanced economy not in recession’.
The Australian government has introduced a number of multi-billion dollar incentives including spending on infrastructure and cash handouts to most Australians to lift consumer spending and it appears to be working.
Australia also makes one off payments of $21,000 to first time home buyers which immigrants are fully entitled to.

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